Founder Message

Gizmo Graphic Works' mission has always been one of peace.

I'm Brian Powell, founder and CEO, I am pleased to meet you and that you are visiting my store!

My goal has been and is to build a company that is based on making people laugh and express themselves through graphic design on apparel and items.
And through this business to also commit to giving back and paying it forward in charitable contributions and efforts, which you can read about on our Charity Commitment page.

And to spread positivity to stem if not break the tide of negativity we are constantly bombarded with in this world.

To help people to believe in themselves, to see that they are good enough, that they matter, that despite the "flaws" we all have this does not make us broken or unacceptable, this makes us unique, and the world is a better place with you all in it.

 I hope that you find the content here produced by Gizmo Graphic Works, brings you happiness in small to large to life changing ways, whether it's by buying and wearing/enjoying our products, or by consuming the content curated here.  And that you extend the positivity, acceptance, and inclusion to others within your sphere of influence and contact as well.

And please, if you have feedback for me, suggestions, comments, general comradery, please feel free to connect with me through our social channels, or even drop me an email directly, and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Brian Powell